

The Visitation, RE-178

$41.89 - $216.49
RE-178 2
Level of Difficulty:
Level 4 - Challenging

This fine art counted cross stitch pattern entitled The Visitation designed from a painting by Jacopo Pontormo shows four women congregating together with the Virgin Mary and Elizabeth in the forefront sharing the good news that Mary will be giving birth to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and Elizabeth will give birth to John the Baptist who will bear witness to Christ's presence.  The other two women are witnesses to the conversation Mary and Elizabeth are having, and they are looking on with an air of sternness and trepidation because they know they are witnessing a transition from the Old Testament to the New.  

Artist: Jacopo Pontormo

Stitch Count: 288w x 380h
Fabric: Aida, Antique White

Four approximate finished sizes:
14,16,18 and 22 Count

Final Pattern Sizes:
 14 Count,  20-1/2w X 27-1/8h in
 16 Count,  18w X 23-3/4h in
 18 Count,  16w X 21h in (Kit Comes in 18 count Size)
 22 Count,  13w X 17-1/4h in


*Please Note: The above dimensions do not include frame or mat.

Number of Colors Used: 96

What you will receive!!! Our patterns arrive with a color visual photo of finished design, wash and care instructions, handy tips for working the pattern, instruction sheet detailing color of fabric, sizes, a complete color listing including number of skeins to purchase. The pages are safely enclosed in a clear, reclosable polybag.