Cross Stitch Gift Ideas - Start A Wish Book
Posted by Tracey Kramer on 4th Mar 2014
Cross Stitch Gift Ideas - Start a Wish Book!
I have a handy tip for all you stitchers out there who love receiving gifts that have to do with cross stitch. One day I was looking at the ever growing pile of old stitching catalogs and magazines I had been keeping for years inside my coffee table. Each of them had pages flagged where I had marked a pattern or kit I had wanted, but never had gotten. After throwing hints to my husband to surprise me and buy one of the marked patterns for my birthday or Mother's Day, he often chose to go with his own instincts as to what he felt I would like as a gift. I realized my plan wasn't working, so I came up with a bright idea! In order to make it happen, I had to make my desires more accessible.
Therefore, I sat down one day, pulled out all of those catalogs and magazines and decided to make myself a "Wish Book." I took all of the old catalogs in which I had marked a pattern, cut the picture and description out and pasted it into a Wish Book (a.k.a. scrap book of cross stitch must-haves) on pastel colored paper placed in a binder. I also included all of the ordering info should my husband want to surprise me someday with the kits and patterns I really would like to have. It was an all day job, but I actually had a lot of fun and enjoyed making this Wish Book. You can really get creative when you work on it if you add some little scrapbooking techniques to personalize it.
By doing the Wish Book, I accomplished two things: (1) I got rid of the backlog of old catalogs and magazines that had been taking up valuable room, and (2) I brought to the attention of my husband the gifts I would really like to have if he ever wanted to know of any good gift ideas for me personally. This has proven to be a big help to him, and it is great for me because I am getting something I truly want. Then when that item has been purchased, I simply cross it out with an "X" so that the item won't be mistakenly purchased again. Even my husband likes the idea of the Wish Book as he no longer has to try to second guess when it comes to gift giving. Men, right along with us women, are usually too busy and don't have time to sit around and contemplate what we women would like to have. Even if there is a pattern or kit you saw online, you can easily print a copy of it to place it in your Wish Book, or use Pinterest which is also a good way to bookmark the patterns you want and plan to purchase in the future.
Visit Sunrays Creations (Itch to Cross Stitch)'s profile on Pinterest.
You can also use the Wish Book to treat yourself to something nice on occasion. If you're feeling a little down, treat yourself to an item or two in your Wish Book. It does wonders for your mood and well being. As long as you've got the funds to cover it, enjoy it.
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