Seven Things You Can Make with Cross Stitch
Posted by Tracey M. Kramer on 15th Oct 2020

There are a lot of things you can make
with cross stitch like pictures or portraits for framing,
Christmas stockings, bell pulls, decorative pillowcases,
afghans, and cross stitch can even be applied to clothing as an
accent. I’ll explain each scenario in detail.
1. Framed Pictures of Portraits or Scenery: This is the most common project completed with cross stith. The project is stitched, washed when finished, and taken to the framers at your local craft shop. Afterwards, the finished piece is now ready to hang on your walls in your home. The pictures can range from very small and easy to complete to very large with an expert level of difficulty. Whatever the case, when your project is finished, there is nothing more satisfying than hanging that finished piece on your wall for all to admire.
2. Christmas Stockings:
They are a favorite among stitchers and provide a special touch
to your fireplace. Amazon provides beautiful kits of stockings
designed by Dimensions that are very colorful, animated and have
that homespun look.
3. Bell Pulls:
Bell pulls have an interesting history in that they were largely
used during the Victorian era and were a sign of wealth and
prominence. They were used to summon workers like maids and
butlers in well-to-do households. The bell pull projects made
today are seldom used for this purpose; however, they make a
beautiful finished project for displaying a splendid work of art
near a doorway in an area of distinction.
4. Pillowcases:
Cross stitch that is used on pillowcases is often stitched on
stamped fabric that shows exactly where the stitches go on the
fabric. It is stitched along the outer hem near the opening of a
pillowcase to add a touch of formality or to make a pillowcase
less plain and bright and lively with stitching.
5. Afghans: Cross
stitched afghans are often used as throws on couches or chairs.
The afghans used for these projects usually have large blocked
off areas of aida cloth where you could stitch a number of
things such as flowers, scenery, etc. These throws usually turn
out to be show pieces and are not really meant to wrap up in so
as not to ruin the stitchwork. They could turn out to be lovely
display items in your home.
6. Clothing: Some
stitchers have been known to actually perform stitching on their
own clothing creating colorful areas of embellishment used for
emphasis. The art of blackwork cross stitch was often worn by
nobility on the cuffs of their sleeves and collars to give these
areas a formal lacy look.
. Today cross stitch is used on articles of clothing like denim
jackets, shirts, pants, etc. and is performed by using waste
canvas. The canvas is placed over the item on which you want the
image to appear, and you stitch on the canvas and the material
beneath. When finished, the waste canvas strands are pulled away
leaving the cross stitches in place.
7. Baby Items:
Cross stitch can be used to provide beautiful stitchwork on baby
bibs, collars on dresses, blankets and other articles of
clothing for your baby. These embellishments make the clothing
all the more special as they add a personal touch made from the
Whatever you choose to stitch, give it your best, put a lot of
love in it, and if the quality and durability is there, it could
become a treasured heirloom to pass down from generation to
generation. Happy Stitching!