

Making Tough Decisions when it Comes to Cross Stitch

Making Tough Decisions when it Comes to Cross Stitch

Posted by Tracey Kramer on 27th Jun 2017

Cross Stitch Project Mistakes and Blended Color Nightmares
  cross stitch projects

The First of Many Mistakes

I had a long drawn-out cross stitch project on my frame (I am ashamed to say) for about 8 to 10 years and neglected to finish it.  It was a lovely picture of a ruined castle sitting off in the distance.  There were many reasons why I did not finish it, but to name a few, I made the mistake of purchasing a large blended color pattern.  The fact that the project was large should have been enough, but when you add in the blended color factor, you have just doubled or tripled your time spent working on that project.  I learned this the hard way.  Also, in the midst of working on this project at a steady pace which dwindled down to once or twice a month and then dwindled down to zilch and it took on the role of dust magnet, I noticed since I had been confining my stitching to only stitching within each 10 x 10 grid square which left the pattern with an awful “checkerboard effect.”   Most of the sky was light in color and those were the areas where you could definitely see the “dreaded checkerboard effect” taking shape.

A Tough Decision

Faced with these mounting problems on my project, I came up with painful decision to scrap the project and start a fresh new large project (a portrait of a mother and child) which would be uncharted territory for me because I had never stitched people before.


A New Outlook

My plan was to immerse myself into this project.  Since I did not have to deal with blended colors as it was a solid color pattern, I felt I could really pick up the pace this time with my stitching.  My plan was that maybe after I finish this pattern, I will start all over on a blank canvas and stitch the ruined castle pattern WITHOUT blended colors using solid colors only.  I also am now familiar with how to avoid the checkerboard effect by stitching randomly and just going where the symbol takes me in the chart, and when finished, I will compare the newly stitched piece with the old blended color piece.  Hopefully there will be a mark of improvement!  Sometimes you have to make tough decisions if you run into a stalemate situation where you are not going anywhere on your project.  Switching to a brand new project helped to jump-start my zest for stitching, and now I am more than ever determined to finish my project(s)!